Help Me Market A Small Business Online

21.12 di 21.12

Help Me Market A Small Business Online

Saturation is not possible in this day and age. I always hear the question from people, is saturation possible in a business or not. And it can be, depending on what in the world you are doing. If it is a ponzi scheme or something like that, yes, there is saturation, because it is only meant for the short term. There is really nothing there, no substance, nothing there, just something thrown together so a person can make money on a program. Usually the program does not last, it gets shut down by the government really quick or the owners take all the money and go off shore and you never hear from them again. Either way it is over and done with shortly because it just does not last, that type of thing does get saturated.

But with a real program, with real products, and it has substance of value to it, there is no saturation, especially something that is really needed in the marketing place. For instance, in the program that I am in right now we have something that is really needed in the market place and that is marketing. Not only do we teach you about marketing but we also teach you about business savvy, things that will help your business. We also give you tools and things that not only will help you in this business but any business that you want to do in the future. If you are in college, if you want to be a doctor you have to go through some kind of schooling, usually eight years of schooling just to become a doctor, and during that time you usually do not get paid.

That is a sacrifice that they make. Any area in the medical field you probably can make pretty good money. I think doctors base salary is somewhere between a hundred and twenty to a hundred and fifty or a hundred and eighty thousand dollars a year, and it goes up from there. It depends on whether you are a surgeon or what type of specialty you go into. It can go up to three or four hundred thousand a year. That is the sacrifice that they make by learning their skill in order to make that type of money.

Also saturation cannot happen if you know what you are doing. When you know how to market, there is no such thing. As a marketer, if you are marketing and we are talking specifically about pay per click, this marketing method called pay per click, let us take an example like a newspaper. Let us say that you have a few local newspapers that you advertise in, even if there is only one in your area, let us say you advertise in this program, or some other product, you have your ad down, you ad is pulling, you have tested it and tweaked it over a few months, and you had a good ad in there and you were getting good quality conversions.

You have your landing page or your lead capture page set up to where you are converting subscribers and you are getting sales. Well, it is possible in that same newspaper that you have the same marketing ad week after week, people might become use to your ad, so they might just look over it, the target market that is reading the newspaper. So what do you do in that instance and how long does it take for this to happen. I have seen it from anywhere from sixty days to six months, maybe even eight months. Is there any specific time, no. It just depends on where you are advertising at and how the people respond.

But if you see your ad pulling and then all of a sudden it kind of starts slacking off, you need to change the ad as a marketer. Some people have run the same ad once they have tweaked it, or maybe they had a winning ad from the beginning without tweaking it, and all of a sudden for whatever product they are promoting on or off line, or whatever business opportunity, whatever they are promoting, they think it must be saturated or something is going on here, because I am not getting the response I use to get. No, that is not the problem, because you have to tweak your ads as you go along, that is marketing 101 since way back.

by George Collins

How To Make Money Online

21.20 di 21.20

Make money online used to be easier. With fewer websites, it was easier for people to find you. This is not true any longer. Still, some people do well online. What are the secrets of online money makers?

The secrets of online money makers are mostly common sense. If you want to make money online, do something you love. Then realize that this is going to take time and effort.

Many people are looking for quick riches or easy wealth. The secret of online money makers is that they are prepared to work hard. They choose something they love so that they stay motivated. Online money makers learn everything they can about promoting their particular form of making money. They don't expect immediate wealth. They work on their business daily and continue to learn as they grow.

Promotion is a critical secret of online money makers. Promotion helps customers find them. Sometimes the rules of search engines change, and online money makers keep up with these changes. It's what they do for a living.

Good customer service is another essential secret of online money makers. You want customers who will come back and customers who will tell others about you. It's no longer just word of mouth when a business serves somebody well. Now that customer might tell some friends in an email, who will tell other friends, and work can get around pretty fast. They can also post their reviews at various websites, which can gain you more customers.

The secrets of online money makers are not any different than making money any other way. It's about doing what you love, working hard, learning to promote, and serving the customer well. If you can do that, you can make money online.

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