Can I Really Make Money At Home Filling In Online Surveys?

07.21 di 07.21

Can I Really Make Money At Home Filling In Online Surveys?

It’s true, this is a very viable approach to many stay at home moms, and dads, college students, retirees, and you name it. No one really believed you could actually earn a monthly income just from getting involved with survey companies and focus groups. It is a simple approach to earning an honest income at home. Most people who desire to work at home, don’t have 8 to 9 hours a day to devote to working, therefore filling in surveys and participating in focus groups is the perfect job. The reason for this is that you can accept whatever assignments you choose and work on them, whenever you choose. The beauty of this job is that when you put your kids to bed at night, you can actually go sit down at your computer and fill out 2 to 3 surveys and earn about $80 to $100 for your time. To give you more assurance that this is a career you can have at home, take today for example, I got a phone call this morning to invite me to participate in a focus group – the pay is $85 for one hour, when I went to my email I had a consumer review survey, paying $15 for 30 minutes. I also had invites to 2 surveys that paid $5 for 10 minutes each of my time. So for one day, I made $110 for less than 2 hours’ work. It is a beautiful thing!

Companies in United States and Canada spend an average of $250 billion in advertising. These companies need to know what the public wants and what they will buy. They also need to know which of their marketing campaigns would encourage consumers to purchase their products. This is where the survey fillers come in. These companies need your opinion and will pay you handsomely for it. It is imperative to their business to have an everyday persons’ opinion on their products and services. For these companies and for the paid survey filler, it is a win-win situation.

Think you would be interested in getting paid for your time, opinions and observations? Read on…


Let's get started with how to start an at home career by filling in surveys, to do this you need to follow these steps:

Step1: REGISTER WITH ALL THE COMPANIES: This can seem like a long task, but take our word for it, it will pay off. The more companies you register with the more invites to participate in surveys, and thus...more money for you. Even if a survey only gives prizes as rewards, register with them anyways. You would be amazed how many of our members have earned big rewards by winning those survey draws.

Step 2: BE HONEST IN YOUR OPINION: Companies are looking for individuals from all walks of life to fill surveys, there is not one mainstream demographic that they are searching for.

Step 3: CHECK COMPANIES FREQUENTLY: There are several companies that don't send out email invites to every survey, make sure to browse these companies often to see if there is any paid surveys to participate in.

Step 4: FILL IN THE ADDITIONAL PROFILES: There are several companies that urge you to fill in additional profiles (i.e.: what vehicle you drive, your spending habits online, etc.) I too, urge you to fill in these additional profiles, as they will qualify you for even more surveys, and you will get more invites.

STEP 5: WORK FOR YOURSELF: You are now working for your own income, and it is up to you how much you earn. Your effort in this process is what will pay off, be determined in your surveys, and you will see the benefits!!!

Smart Marketing Strategies for the Solo Entrepreneur

01.26 di 01.26

Top 10 Small Busines Myths

08.35 di 08.35

Top 10 Small Busines Myths

Top 10 Small Busines Myth

From time to time I have written about myths that I see when dealing with aspiring entrepreneurs. has put together their own Top 10 list of Small business Myths that are worth a read for anyone thinking about starting a business.

Several of their myths dealing with financing issues:

Myth No. 1: "The government has grants for startups."

Generally this is not true. There are a few instances where local governments set up programs for disadvantaged people looking to use free enterprise to improve their lives, but they are not that common.

Myth No. 2: "The SBA loans money directly to small businesses."

Another financing myth busted. You still must go to a bank. Some banks work with the SBA program to get small business loans guaranteed by the SBA.

Myth No. 3: "Venture capitalists loan money to startups."

VCs fund less than 0.5% of entrepreneurial ventures, and of those, only rarely do they fund a start-up.

Myth No. 5: "I'll be able to write everything off."

Actually you can, but you will face interest and penalties from the IRS, so I don't recommend it either.

Myth No 6: "I can pay myself whatever I want."

Again, you can, but you'll be out of business in a few weeks. You can only pay yourself what is left after everything else gets paid. You are last in line if you want to make your business work.

Myth No. 8: "I should be profitable after six months, because I'm an expert at what I do."

The article states that most businesses take 2-3 years to make a profit. That is also kind of a myth. I have owned businesses that make profit within a few months, and I have had some that took years. It all depends on the business model and the market. That is why a plan is so important to help you understand what you are getting into. Which brings us to another of their myths:

Myth No. 10: "If I'm not getting funding, I don't need a business plan."

See my comments above...

They also have a couple of marketing myths:

Myth No. 7: "If I create a website, I'll get traffic (or the more popular 'If I build it, they will come.')"

Myth No. 9: "I don't need a marketing plan or marketing materials. This product/service sells itself."

I tell entrepreneurs that they should be prepared to spend 80% of their time selling and marketing early on. Nothing sells itself and no website creates its own traffic.

Finally, one of their myths deals with lifestyle:

Myth No. 4: "I'll have more time to do what I want."

You should assume you'll have some long hours early on. But, if time is important, make sure to build that into your business plans. Plan for slower growth or less ambitious goals if you want to structure time for other things. Also understand that some businesses just demand more of our time by their very nature. For example, if you want to start a restaurant, plan on very few days off, long hours, and no vacations for a LONG time. Know what you are getting into before you start any business and make sure it fits your non-financial and lifestyle goals.

Make sure to go the the article, as it has some great links to more information on all of these topics.

03.45 di 03.45

Differentiation -- Smart Marketing Strategies for the Solo Entrepreneur

Are you ever frustrated or hesitant when you talk to prospective customers because you can’t readily explain why they should come to you rather than go to your competitors? Sure, you might have your 30-second elevator speech, but then they ask you that dreaded question, “So what makes you different?” Then, all those self-doubts creep in, and you just aren’t sure what to say. Differentiation can boost confidence--yours in yourself and that prospective customer’s confidence in you!

Dif-fer-en-ti-ate v. tr. To perceive or show the difference in or between; discriminate.

In business terms, to differentiate means to create a benefit that customers perceive as being of greater value to them than what they can get elsewhere. It's not enough for you to be different--a potential customer has to take note of the difference and must feel that the difference somehow fits their need better. (Other words that mean virtually the same thing: Competitive Advantage; Unique Selling Proposition; or Value Proposition.)

As you are building your business, you can use differentiation to attract more customers. Once you have momentum, differentiation allows you to charge a higher price because you are delivering more value to your customers. Make a point to evaluate and adjust your differentiation methods at least annually.

The various methods of differentiating your businesses fall into four general categories:

  • Price Differentiation
  • Focus Differentiation
  • Product/Service Differentiation
  • Customer Service Differentiation

Price Differentiation

Differentiating on price is probably the most common and easily understood method. HOWEVER, for Solo Entrepreneurs, caution is in order. On the one hand, potential customers might expect a lower price from you than from your larger competition because they perceive you as having less overhead, etc. On the other hand, cheaper prices can evoke perceptions of lower quality, a less-stable business, etc. And if you compete on price against competitors with deeper pockets, you can price yourself right into bankruptcy. Be creative with this differentiator by competing on something other than straight price. For example, you might offer:

  • More value--offer more products or services for the same price.
  • Freebies --accessories, companion products, free upgrades, and coupons for future purchases.
  • Free shipping, etc.--convenience sells, especially when it is free!
  • Discounts--includes offering regular sales, coupons, etc. (see cautions above)

Focus Differentiation

For Solo Entrepreneurs, this is the most important method of differentiation, and in many ways, the easiest. Why? Because as a Solo Entrepreneur, you simply can't be everything to everybody, so you must pick a specific way to focus your business. Once you have done that, you have an automatic advantage over larger companies because you can become more of an expert in that one field --and you can build close relationships with key customers that will be hard to duplicate. For example, you might differentiate yourself through:

  • Location--take advantage your closeness to prospective customers.
  • Customer specialization--be very specific about what characteristics your customers will have—for example, racing bicycle enthusiasts or companies with a spiritual conscience.
  • Customer relationships--know customers really well, form partnerships with them, and get them to speak for you!
  • Affinity relationships--associate your product/service with a well-known person or organization.
  • One-stop shopping--offer everything your target market needs, in your area of expertise.
  • Wide selection (within your niche)—although this one may seem to be the opposite of focus--the key is to be very specific in one dimension and very broad in another.

Product/Service Offering Differentiation

How much you are able to differentiate your product or service offering will vary based on what type of business you are in. For instance, if you are in a highly regulated business, your options may be limited. Explore a totally new market or type of product or service, however, and the possibilities abound. The key to successful differentiation in this category, again, is to know your customers, really, really well. Talk to them often, and you will know what they need most and be able to offer it, long before your competitors know what is happening. For example, your product or service could stand out in one of these ways:

  • Quality--create a product or service that is exceptional in one or more ways. Examples: Lasts longer
  • Better
  • Easier to use
  • Safer
  • New/First--be the first one to offer something in your location/field.
  • Features/Options--offer lots of choices, unusual combinations, or solve a problem for a customer in a way no one else does.
  • Customization--as a Solo Entrepreneur, you may be able to more easily handle special orders than big, mass-market competitors.

Customer Service Differentiation

Have you noticed how customer service seems to be out of vogue these days? This situation makes excellent customer service a great opportunity for differentiation and another natural advantage for Solo Entrepreneurs that already know what’s important to their customers. Build your reputation on making customers feel really good about doing business with you. Works great with referral marketing, too. Examples:

  • Deliver Fast--next day, or one-hour--make it faster than customers think possible.
  • Unique channel--offer a service over the phone or Internet instead of in person or in their office rather than yours.
  • Service-delight customers!--it may seem expensive to offer exceptional service--but it pays off in word-of-mouth advertising.
  • Before/during/after-sales support--provide technical or other support to customers using your product. --You might use joint ventures to provide that support--but customers will perceive it as being from you!
  • Guarantee/warranty--offer 100% money-back, or free replacement parts.
  • YOU--offer yourself, your unique blend of talents and skills, to attract customers. Make sure they get access to you, too!

Keys to Successful Differentiation:

  • Know your customers, really, really well.
  • Pick a blend of differentiation methods that, in the eyes of your customers, truly sets you apart.
  • Talk about your differentiation in terms of customer benefits.
  • Tell everyone about what differentiates you--often.
  • Keep your differentiation fresh by listening for changing customer needs. strategy, marketing, small business marketing, direct marketing, internet marketing, advertising

by: Terri Zwierzynski


06.46 di 06.46

Top Motherboards

Performance within each group varied only slightly, so components and connections should guide your buying decision.

Edited by Danny Allen

Feb 26, 2007 3:00 pm
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Asus P5N-E SLI PCW Rating: 83.0PCW Rating: 83.0PCW Rating: 83.0

Last Rated:


1. Asus Asus P5N-E SLI

nVidia nForce 650i SLI chip set, 2 PCIe x16, 1 PCIe x1, 2 PCI slots, 4 SATA, 2 PATA ports, 4 + 2 USB, 1 FireWire, 1 eSATA ports, Price when ranked: $149

Bottom Line: This impressive all-around SLI board has two ATA channels and an eSATA port, though only x8. You'll need a rear-panel breakout to get 7.1-channel analog output.

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nForce 570 SLIT-A (V5.1) PCW Rating: 82.0PCW Rating: 82.0PCW Rating: 82.0

Last Rated:

2. ECS (Elitegroup Computers) nForce 570 SLIT-A (V5.1)

nVidia nForce 570 SLI chip set, 2 PCIe x16, 2 PCIe x1, 3 PCI slots, 8 Serial ATA, 1 PATA ports, 4 USB ports, Price when ranked: $95

Bottom Line: Easily the lowest-priced SLI board on the chart, this model is a very good performer. A lack of FireWire ports and limited x8 SLI are the only nits to pick.

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P965 Platinum Motherboard (Intel Core 2 Extreme/Core 2 Duo/Pentium EE/Pentium, Socket T, P965, ATX, 8GB DDR2, 1066MHz) PCW Rating: 82.0PCW Rating: 82.0PCW Rating: 82.0

Last Rated:

3. MSI P965 Platinum Motherboard (Intel Core 2 Extreme/Core 2 Duo/Pentium EE/Pentium, Socket T, P965, ATX, 8GB DDR2, 1066MHz)

Intel P965 chip set, 2 PCIe x16, 2 PCIe x1, 2 PC slots, 7 SATA, 1 PATA ports, 4 + 2 USB, 1 + 2 FireWire ports, Price when ranked: $135

Bottom Line: The best performing board, this model also offers a full complement of cutting-edge and legacy features. Only the lack of dual graphics kept it out of the top spot.

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GigaByte GA-965P-DQ6 PCW Rating: 80.0PCW Rating: 80.0PCW Rating: 80.0

Last Rated:

4. Gigabyte GigaByte GA-965P-DQ6

Intel P965 chip set, 2 PCIe x16, 3 PCIe x1, 2 PCI slots, 8 SATA, 1 PATA ports, 4 USB, 1 FireWire, 0 + 4 eSATA ports, Price when ranked: $198

Bottom Line: Another board with a complete set of legacy ports and state-of-the-art features. We love the friendly color scheme, but the price--not so much.

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Abit AB9 Pro PCW Rating: 80.0PCW Rating: 80.0PCW Rating: 80.0

Last Rated:

5. ABIT Abit AB9 Pro

Intel P965 chip set, 1 PCIe x16, 2 PCIe x1, 2 PCI slots, 8 SATA, 1 PATA ports, 4 + 2 USB, 0 + 2 FireWire, 1 eSATA ports, Price when ranked: $150

Bottom Line: This great performer has contemporary ports to spare: ten USB (six on headers), eight SATA, and a single eSATA port. But a lack of legacy ports dropped its ranking.

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GA-M59SLI-S5 Motherboard (Athlon 64 FX/ Athlon X2, Socket AM2, ATX, 16GB DDR2, 1GHz Bus) PCW Rating: 83.0PCW Rating: 83.0PCW Rating: 83.0

Last Rated:


6. Gigabyte GA-M59SLI-S5 Motherboard (Athlon 64 FX/ Athlon X2, Socket AM2, ATX, 16GB DDR2, 1GHz Bus)

nVidia nForce 590 SLI chip set, 2 PCIe x16, 1 PCIe x8, 1 PCIe x1, 2 PCI slots, 8 SATA ports, 1 PATA ports, 4 USB, 1 FireWire, 0 + 2 eSATA ports, Price when ranked: $170

Bottom Line: Like its 965-based sibling on the Intel portion of the chart, this model has all the legacy ports and cutting-edge features you'll need--but at a better price.

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Abit Fatal1ty AN9 32X PCW Rating: 82.0PCW Rating: 82.0PCW Rating: 82.0

Last Rated:

7. ABIT Abit Fatal1ty AN9 32X

nVidia nForce 590 SLI chip set, 2 PCIe x16, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCI slots, 6 SATA ports, 1 PATA ports, 4 + 2 USB, 0 + 2 FireWire ports, Price when ranked: $170

Bottom Line: This board performed well at specified speeds and was born to overclock. If you don't need legacy parallel or serial ports, it's a terrific deal.

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K9A Platinum Motherboard (Athlon 64/64FX/64 X2, Socket AM2, nForce2, ATX, 8GB DDR2, 1000MHz Bus) PCW Rating: 81.0PCW Rating: 81.0PCW Rating: 81.0

Last Rated:

8. MSI K9A Platinum Motherboard (Athlon 64/64FX/64 X2, Socket AM2, nForce2, ATX, 8GB DDR2, 1000MHz Bus)

ATI CrossFire Xpress 3200 , 2 PCIe x16, 2 PCIe x1, 2 PCI slots, 4 SATA ports, 1 PATA ports, 4 + 2 USB, 1 + 1 FireWire ports, Price when ranked: $130

Bottom Line: This very solid offering mixes all of the newest and oldest technlogies, but it performed a tad slowly in our testing, which kept it from the top of the chart.

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Asus Crosshair PCW Rating: 80.0PCW Rating: 80.0PCW Rating: 80.0

Last Rated:

9. Asus Asus Crosshair

nVidia nForce 590 SLI chip set, 2 PCIe x16, 1 PCIe x4, 3 PCI slots, 6 SATA ports, 1 PATA ports, 4 + 2 USB, 1 + 1 FireWire ports, Price when ranked: $249

Bottom Line: A tweaker's delight, with a ton of techie-oriented lights and other features. It's pricey if your needs are basic, but it's a great board for overclocking enthusiasts.

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Sapphire Pure CrossFire PC-AM2RD580 PCW Rating: 80.0PCW Rating: 80.0PCW Rating: 80.0

Last Rated:

10. Sapphire Sapphire Pure CrossFire PC-AM2RD580

ATI CrossFire Xpress 3200 (AMD 580X), 2 PCIe x16, 1 PCIe x1, 1 PCI slots, 8 SATA ports, 1 PATA ports, 4 + 2 USB, 1 + 1 FireWire, 2 eSATA ports, Price when ranked: $130

Bottom Line: The classy, retro pale green look belies a true overclocker's heart. But this board could use better SATA connectors, and Sapphire's support policies are stingy.

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CHART NOTES: We tested all boards with a 256MB EVGA GeForce 7800GT graphics board, 2GB of Kingston PC-6400 DDR2 memory, and two 250GB Western Digital hard drives configured in a striped RAID array. We tested Intel boards with a 2.66-GHz Core 2 Duo E6700 CPU. We tested AMD boards with a 2.6-GHz Athlon 64 X2 5200+ CPU. The first number listed for peripheral ports indicates those located on the back panel of the motherboard; the second number (following the "+") indicates ports located on included expansion brackets (which will occupy an expansion bay in the case). Most boards also have additional internal port headers to which additional expansion brackets can be connected.

Help Me Market A Small Business Online

21.12 di 21.12

Help Me Market A Small Business Online

Saturation is not possible in this day and age. I always hear the question from people, is saturation possible in a business or not. And it can be, depending on what in the world you are doing. If it is a ponzi scheme or something like that, yes, there is saturation, because it is only meant for the short term. There is really nothing there, no substance, nothing there, just something thrown together so a person can make money on a program. Usually the program does not last, it gets shut down by the government really quick or the owners take all the money and go off shore and you never hear from them again. Either way it is over and done with shortly because it just does not last, that type of thing does get saturated.

But with a real program, with real products, and it has substance of value to it, there is no saturation, especially something that is really needed in the marketing place. For instance, in the program that I am in right now we have something that is really needed in the market place and that is marketing. Not only do we teach you about marketing but we also teach you about business savvy, things that will help your business. We also give you tools and things that not only will help you in this business but any business that you want to do in the future. If you are in college, if you want to be a doctor you have to go through some kind of schooling, usually eight years of schooling just to become a doctor, and during that time you usually do not get paid.

That is a sacrifice that they make. Any area in the medical field you probably can make pretty good money. I think doctors base salary is somewhere between a hundred and twenty to a hundred and fifty or a hundred and eighty thousand dollars a year, and it goes up from there. It depends on whether you are a surgeon or what type of specialty you go into. It can go up to three or four hundred thousand a year. That is the sacrifice that they make by learning their skill in order to make that type of money.

Also saturation cannot happen if you know what you are doing. When you know how to market, there is no such thing. As a marketer, if you are marketing and we are talking specifically about pay per click, this marketing method called pay per click, let us take an example like a newspaper. Let us say that you have a few local newspapers that you advertise in, even if there is only one in your area, let us say you advertise in this program, or some other product, you have your ad down, you ad is pulling, you have tested it and tweaked it over a few months, and you had a good ad in there and you were getting good quality conversions.

You have your landing page or your lead capture page set up to where you are converting subscribers and you are getting sales. Well, it is possible in that same newspaper that you have the same marketing ad week after week, people might become use to your ad, so they might just look over it, the target market that is reading the newspaper. So what do you do in that instance and how long does it take for this to happen. I have seen it from anywhere from sixty days to six months, maybe even eight months. Is there any specific time, no. It just depends on where you are advertising at and how the people respond.

But if you see your ad pulling and then all of a sudden it kind of starts slacking off, you need to change the ad as a marketer. Some people have run the same ad once they have tweaked it, or maybe they had a winning ad from the beginning without tweaking it, and all of a sudden for whatever product they are promoting on or off line, or whatever business opportunity, whatever they are promoting, they think it must be saturated or something is going on here, because I am not getting the response I use to get. No, that is not the problem, because you have to tweak your ads as you go along, that is marketing 101 since way back.

by George Collins

How To Make Money Online

21.20 di 21.20

Make money online used to be easier. With fewer websites, it was easier for people to find you. This is not true any longer. Still, some people do well online. What are the secrets of online money makers?

The secrets of online money makers are mostly common sense. If you want to make money online, do something you love. Then realize that this is going to take time and effort.

Many people are looking for quick riches or easy wealth. The secret of online money makers is that they are prepared to work hard. They choose something they love so that they stay motivated. Online money makers learn everything they can about promoting their particular form of making money. They don't expect immediate wealth. They work on their business daily and continue to learn as they grow.

Promotion is a critical secret of online money makers. Promotion helps customers find them. Sometimes the rules of search engines change, and online money makers keep up with these changes. It's what they do for a living.

Good customer service is another essential secret of online money makers. You want customers who will come back and customers who will tell others about you. It's no longer just word of mouth when a business serves somebody well. Now that customer might tell some friends in an email, who will tell other friends, and work can get around pretty fast. They can also post their reviews at various websites, which can gain you more customers.

The secrets of online money makers are not any different than making money any other way. It's about doing what you love, working hard, learning to promote, and serving the customer well. If you can do that, you can make money online.

but u can join whit adsense or trading center and trading money online but if u join with trading center or trading monet you must have enaogh monet or became broker

or u join with for sell product and u became medium in the marketing